BUDDHISM, BUDDHIST MEDITATION AND ABHIDHAMMA IN BRIEF (Honorary Professor Venerable Dr. Ashin Pannadipa, B.A, M.A, Ph.D, Ph.D,Ph.D, D.A.S. (B.A-London, M.A-London, Ph.D-London, Ph.D-London, Ph.D-U.S.A, Ph.D-U.S.A, D.A.S-U.S.A) (Honorary Professor From World University Of Advanced Studies/American National College Of Religious Arts, San Diego, U.S.A) (Former Abbot Of Ratanak Paramei International Buddhist Temple, Warshington State, U.S.A) (Insight Meditation Master From Vipassanapanna University/Pa-Tone Lone Vipassana Propagation Federation, Yangon, Myanmar) (Proposed Abbot Of Kyeik Thi Mon Buddhist Monastery, Ye, Myanmar) (English From F.M.A Language School, Yangon, Myanmar) (English From Aung's College, Yangon, Myanmar) ( English From Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A) (English From Community College Of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A) ( English From Woodrow Wilson High School, Camden, New Jersey, U.S.A) (Buddhist Meditation Practice From Pa-Auk Tawya Forest Buddhist Meditation Centre, Pa-Auk Village Near Mawlamyaing, Mon State, Myanmar) ( Buddhist Meditation Practice From Aung Thu Kha Dhamma Yeiktha Buddhist Meditation Centre, Bago, Myanmar) (Member of World Buddhist Sangha Youth, Taipei, Taiwan) (Member of Sakya Beneficience International Association, Taichun, Taiwan) (Former Buddhism Instructor and Insight Meditation Master at Tibetan Cultural Centre, Indiana, U.S.A) (Former Dhamma Instuctor And Insight Meditation Master Of Wat Jotanaram/Khmer Buddhist Societry, Inc, Bronx, New York, U.S.A) (Former Dhamma Teacher Of Wat Bangsaodhong Buddhist Sunday School at Wat Bngsaodhong, Bangkok, Thailand in the year of 2005).
Wat Bangsaodhong, Charansanitwong Road, Soi 19, Bangkhunsri, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700, Thailand. Email Address: ashinpa@gmail.com. Tel: 66(0)89-209-2695-international call, 089-209-2695-call in Thailand. URL: http://www.venashinbuddha.zoomshare.com/, http://www.nibbana.com/pannadipa-ashin1.htm, http://ashinbuddhadhamma.blogspot.com/.
Wat Bangsaodhong, Charansanitwong Road, Soi 19, Bangkhunsri, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700, Thailand. Email Address: ashinpa@gmail.com. Tel: 66(0)89-209-2695-international call, 089-209-2695-call in Thailand. URL: http://www.venashinbuddha.zoomshare.com/, http://www.nibbana.com/pannadipa-ashin1.htm, http://ashinbuddhadhamma.blogspot.com/.
BUDDHISM, for about 2551 years, which is practiced in the world by all Buddhists, Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana and is also founded in india, its original country, began with the life of the Buddha, together with his 45 years of ministry to demise (Mahaparinibbana) through his enlightenment (Sambodhi in Pali). The Buddha, its founder, has expounded the different teachings of 84000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group known as Tipitaka in Pali which is preserved in its pristine form until today.
Tipitaka, which is studied and learnt in a universe, means Three Baskets literally, known as Suttanta Pitaka, the Basket of Discourse together with 21000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group, Vinaya Pitaka, the Basket of Discipline together with 21000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group and Abhidhamma Pitaka, the Basket of Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology together with 42000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group.Suttanta Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka, which plays an important role in the world of Buddhism, are good for all types of human being and deva and also spread out all over the world where as Vinaya Pitaka is good for all Sangha community known as Bhikhu Sangha, the Buddhist Monks, Bhikhuni Sangha, the Buddhist Women-Monks and Samanera Buddhist Novices.
Tripitaka in Sanskrit and Tipitaka in Pali, which studied, followed and practiced in all around the world by the Buddhists is to know the real world of Buddhism and also to be free from all forms of human suffering. The Scientists stated that Buddhism is a scientific religion. In brief, Buddhism is included in pure morality (Sila in Pali), concentration (Samadhi in Pali) and wisdom (Panna in Pali).
BUDDHIST MEDITATION, also called Minfulness Meditation, which is being studied and practiced in the world by the Buddhists and Non-Buddhists alike, plays a crucial role in establishment of the different levels of mental concentration, all states of spiritual attainment, in removing all negative mental states and establishing all positive mental states and also to condition the human mind into the gradual change. Buddhist Meditation, also known as Samatha and Vipassana in Pali.
Samatha means concentration meditation or meditation for calm and Vipassana means insight meditation. Samatha Meditation, good for beginers to basically train their mind, is a systematical techique which leads its practitioners to eradicate the five mental hindrances or disturbance (Panca-Nivarana in Pali), to establish momentary concentration (Khanika Samadhi in Pali), access concentration (Upacara Samadhi in Pali), absorption concentration, also called jhana concentration (Appana Samadhi in Pali), one-pointedness of mind (Ekaggata in Pali) and psychic or supernormal powers (Panca-Abhinna in Pali) known as divine eye (Dibba-Cakkhu in Pali), divine ear (Dibba-Sota), magical power (Iddhi-Vidha in Pali), realizing the mind of others (Cetopariya Nana in Pali) and remembrance of the past existences (Pubbe Nivasanussati in Pali).
Vipassana Meditation, which is founded by Buddha himself and is practiced by the Buddhists through out the world, leads its practitioners to remove the six mental hindrances (Cha-Nivarana in Pali) and the ten mental defilements ( Dasa-Kilesa in Pali), to achieve wisdom (Panna in Pali), enlightenment (Sambodhi in Pali) known as stream-winner or stream-enterer (Sotapanna in Pali), once-returner (Sakadagami in Pali), never-returner (Anagami in Pali) and finally Worthy One (Arahatta in Pali) which experiences Nibbana with the khandhas remaining (Upadisesa Nibbana Dhatu in Pali). After the Worthy One's demise (Parinibbana in Pali), will experience Nibbana without the khandhas remaining (Anupadisesa Nibbana Dhatu).
Abhiddhamma Pitaka with 42000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group, which is expounded the wholesome Dhamma (Kusala Dhamma in Pali), the Unwholesome Dhamma (Akusala Dhamma in Pali), Indeterminate States (Abyakata Dhamma in Pali), all types of Consciousness (Citta in Pali), Mental States or Mental Factors or Mental Properties or Mental Concomitants(Cetasika in Pali), the Five Aggregates (Panca-Khandha in Pali), Samatha and Vipassana Meditation, the ten Insight Knowledges (Dasa-Vipassana-Nana in Pali), the Seven States of Purification (Satta-Visudhi in Pali), exceeded the Suttanta Pitaka with 21000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group and Vinaya Pitaka with 21000 dhammakkhandha, dhamma group.
Abhidhamma Pitaka, the higher teaching of the Buddha and the third division of the canonical texts which is studied in the universe, is divided into seven books known as 1. the classification or enumeration of dhamma (Dhammasangani in Pali), 2. the book of analysis or divisions (Vibhanga in Pali), 3. the discourse on elements (Dhatu Katha in Pali), 4. the book on individuals (Puggala Pannatti in Pali), 5. the points of controversy (Katha Vatthu in Pali), 6. the book of pairs (Yamaka in Pali) and 7. the book of causal relations (Patthana in Pali).
Abhidhamma Pitaka, which is regarded as the highest esteem in Theravada Buddhist countries, especially in the country of Myanmar, is delivered in Tavatimsa Realm by the Buddha in purpose of enlightening his late mother and reborn in Tusita Heaven as a male deva and also the other devas. The Venerable Sariputta heard the daily summarizing abhidhamma from the Buddha and expounded the five hundred newly ordained Buddhist Monks on the day of the Buddha came down to the human world. Abhidhamma is spread out all over the world by Venerable Sariputta who is excelled in Abhidhamma, the higher teaching of the historical Buddha or the Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology.
Abhidhammattha Sangaha, also called the Compendium of Buddhist philosophy, which is the brief description and exposition of Desana or Dhamma, especially for the Ultimate Realities through the Abhidhamma Pitaka. in fact, it is included the profound teachings of the Gotama Buddha and is also helpful to undestand the the words of the Buddha from the Abhidhamma Pitaka, the Basket of the Higher doctrine of the Compassionate Buddha.
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